Twisted chain stitch

Worked in the same way as chain stitch, except instead of the needle entering the fabric place that it exited, insert it to the left, across the thread.

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Knitting stitch embroideory

When working from right to left, bring the needle out in the centre of the stitch and take it up and […]

Rosette stitch

Rosette stitch

Take a vertical stitch, but do not pull the needle through. Loop the thread around each end of the needle in a […]

Running stitch

Running stitch

Work this quick and easy stitch by passing the needle over and under the fabric to form stitches of equal length […]

Satin stitch

Satin stitch

Work the satin stitches by beginning at the widest area of the shape and cover the shape, keeping your stitches close […]

Scroll stitch

Scroll stitch

Bring your thread to the front of your work at A and make a loop to the right in a clockwise […]

Shadow work

Shadow work

This stitch is worked between two lines using a back stitch on the front of the work and a herringbone stitch […]

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