Shadow work

This stitch is worked between two lines using a back stitch on the front of the work and a herringbone stitch on the back. Bring the needle up at A and take a back stitch to B on line 1. Bring the needle up at C on line 2. Take a back stitch to D. Bring the needle up at E on line 1, a full back stitch to the right of A. Make a back stitch from E to F. Bring the needle out on line 2 at G. Continue in this manner until the desired area is covered.

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Knitting stitch embroideory

When working from right to left, bring the needle out in the centre of the stitch and take it up and […]

Rosette stitch

Rosette stitch

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Running stitch

Running stitch

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Satin stitch

Satin stitch

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Scroll stitch

Scroll stitch

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Spider’s Web stitch

Spider’s Web stitch

Use a fly stitch and two straight stitches to make five ‘spokes’ that will form the structure of the Spider Web. […]

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