
Homespun corrections

Homespun Crochet #3 (June 2022)

There is an error in the copy of the project, Lace Crochet P92. Correct wording below:
Olga from ThePoshCrochet.
We apologise for this error.

Homespun issue 19.07 (July 2018)

There is an error in the cover project, Carnival of Clamshells. Please note that it should say:
Row 6 – As Row 3 (NOT row 5).
We apologise for this error.

Homespun issue 19.04 (April 2018)

Our apologies: for the Fit for a Princess floor cushion, Diagram 1 on page 75 is incorrect and misleading.
It looks like the edge hexagons are cut point to point instead of side to side.
The diagram should look like this:








Homespun issue 19.02 (February 2018)

For My Butterfly Patch BOM, there are some corrections to the Fabric Key on page 30 of the printed magazines. If you are sourcing the fabrics for this project yourself, rather than buying a kit, please use the descriptions and codes below for Fabrics U, W and X.

U = Essex Aqua RKE0141005

W = Essex Blossom (code unchanged)

X = Essex Orchid RKE0141266

Homespun issue 18.03 (March 2017)

For the Double Dutch quilt project, in Step 3, second dot point, the instruction should be: Crosscut them to yield 12 squares, 3½in (F). Not 3in.

Step 33 references ‘F rectangles’ this should be ‘F squares’.

In Step 6, the instruction should be to trim the squares to 2in, not 1½in.

On the pattern sheet, the windmill base and windmill base edge templates are both the wrong size. (The digital patterns have been updated to the correct templates.) Here are the correct templates

Our most sincere apologies for these errors.

Homespun issue 18.02 (February 2017)

For the BOM, Going to the Zoo, Zoo, Zoo, there’s a tiny mix up with the colours for the ZOO letters. They should be listed as:

Z – Coral Pop Spirals (O)

O – Satsuma Hello Squares (L)

O – Magenta Kisses (K).

Homespun issue 18.01 (January 2017)

For Mini Miss Milly, there is an error in the second line of the Body. It should say to work 32 rows of st st, not 2. The subsequent rows should be 33 and 34.

Our apologies for this error.

Homespun issue 17.10 (October 2016)

For Who’s Been Sewing with my Bears?, there was a cutting error. In Step 10, third bullet point, it should say:

Eight rectangles, 2½ x 4½in (Flying Geese treetops).

Our sincere apologies for this error.

Homespun issue 17.8 (August 2016)
For Foxley Village Part 7, in Step 2, fabric B was omitted from the cutting instruction for the Flying Geese rectangles. Our apologies for this error.

Our sincere apologies. For Steph’s Pinwheels by Janelle Noack, the quilter was incorrectly credited. Sarah Gilbert Lennon, Temora Quilting, did the quilting. She can be contacted through Facebook at

Homespun issue 17.7 (July 2016)
For Foxley Village Part 6, the circle template referred to in step 6 was not included on the pattern sheet and the instructions were not updated to amend this. The circle template can be made with a compass. The circle has a diameter of 5 1/2in (radius of 2 3/4in). Alternatively, you can print the template here. Note when printing, print on A4 paper only with page scaling turned off.
Our most sincere apologies for this omission.

Homespun issue 17.6 (June 2016)
The phone number listed for the On The Road and Stockists & Contacts entry for GJs Discount Fabrics, has been listed incorrectly. The correct phone number is (03) 9482 5528.

Homespun issue 17.4 (April 2016)
For the Diary Dates entry of CraftAlive Ballarat, the dates were unfortunately printed wrong. The correct dates are 1-3 of July. We would like to apologies for this error.

Issue 17.3 (March 2016)
For Look What I Made From 6 x Hankies by Natashia Curtin, the embroidery designs were unfortunately omitted from the Pattern Sheet. You can download them here and print them out, or email a request with your details to to have hard copies sent to you by mail. Our apologies for this omission.

Issue 17.3 (March 2016)
For Foxley Village Part 2, there is an appliqué shape missing from the printed pattern sheet: the blue floral rectangle at the bottom of the Tea Shoppe verandah. You can get the correct digital pattern here, or add the missing rectangle to your own printed pattern sheet in the magazine. The rectangle is 2.5cm/1in wide and about 25.5cm/10in long to match the solid line of the piece directly above it. We apologise for this error.

Step 19 should read: Sew a 2½in D fabric square to both ends of a 2½ x 4½in rectangle of fabric A as shown in Diagram 2 and press. Make two of these units.

Issue 17.2 (February 2016)

‘Winedale Stars’ quilt project

Unfortunately, an incorrect Template B was published on our Pattern Sheet and uploaded with our digital patterns. Our apologies for this error. Please use the revised template that you can download here: HSP1702_Winedale Stars

Issue 17.2 (February 2016)
The listing for the ‘Foxley Village’ fabric kit stockists has unfortunately been printed with two incorrect shop details. We would like to apologies to the shops in question, Sew Bright Alpine Quilting and Sewing ‘N’ Beyond, for this error.
The correct shop details are:

Sew Bright Alpine Quilting
4 Ireland Street, Bright, Vic 3741
Ph: (03) 5755 5118

Sewing ‘N’ Beyond
Shop 1b Rosebud Parade, Rosebud, Vic 3939
Ph: (03) 5981 2020


Issue 16.8 (August 2015)
For Melon, Lime & Bitters by Irene Blanck, the templates on the Pattern Sheet and digital patterns were inaccurate. The small melon should measure 2in and the large one 5in point to point. You can access the correct templates here or download the digital pattern. Apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Issue 16.7 (July 2015)
In the China Shop BOM,  Step 2 should read:
“From each of the Millefiore in Grey and Millefiore in Pastel fabrics” … (not Brassica in Pastel – those rectangles are for the centre ovals).
Apologies for the confusion this may have caused.

Issue 16.6 (June 2015)

In the Cutting Garden quilt, Step 5 has two corrections. Please amend the second bullet point to read: Five rectangles, 5 x 10 1/4in (not three) and add a fourth bullet point to read: One rectangle, 4 1/2 x 10 1/4in.

In the Are You Bugging Me quilt, one red rectangle was omitted. In Step 6, from the red tone-on-tone print fabric, you also need to cut one rectangle, 2 1/2 x 5in. It goes between the blue and green bugs next to J on the Quilt Layout Diagram on page 32.
Apologies for these errors.

Issue 16.5 (May 2015)

In the China Shop BOM, Step 2 in the instructions for May should read, “ … and set aside 7 and 26 for Part 6”, not “set aside 7 and 30 for Part 6”. Our apologies for any confusion this may have caused.

Issue 16.3 (March 2015)

In Bertha’s Album quilt, Diagram 5 is incorrect: the light and dark triangles should be assembled the other way around so that the dark one finishes on the left, not the right. We apologise for any confusion this may have caused. You can view the correct diagram by clicking on the link below.

bertha6 – revised

Issue 16.2 & 16.3 (February & March 2015)
It has come to our attention that we’ve had a mixup with details for The Quilters Shack and The Quilters Store, The Embroiderer’s Store in the block of the month stockist directory (p36-37).
The correct details are:

The Quilters Shack 24 Quay Street, Bundaberg, Qld 4670. Ph: (07) 4154 4486, email:, website:

The Quilters Store, The Embroiderers Store Unit 4, 286 Evans Road, Salisbury Qld 4107. Ph: (07) 3875 1700, email:, website:

Our apologies for any inconvenience. The correct details will be published from the April issue onwards.

Issue 16.1 (January 2015)

Chris Jurd has alerted us to two errors in the cutting for her 30’s Wheel quilt. If you’ve not yet started the quilt, please replace Step 4 with the information below. However, if you’ve already cut the fabrics, meaning your side and corner setting triangles will be a little too small, don’t panic. Chris advises you to sew the setting triangles in their correct places, but instead of trimming the edges as described in Step 41 and Diagram 6, to do the appliqué then stitch the blue floral border strips along the diagonal of the outer cornerstones (see diagram below) instead of outside them to resolve the problem. Your quilt will just be slightly smaller than the stated finished size.    30s Wheel diagram from 16.1

Step 4

From the light floral print fabric, cut:

  • One square, 30in. Cut it twice on the diagonal (four side setting triangles)
  • Two strips, 19in across the width of the fabric and crosscut four squares, 19in (block backgrounds) UNCHANGED
  • One strip, 16in across the width of the fabric and crosscut two squares, 16in. Cut these once on the diagonal (four corner triangles).

Issue 15.12 (December 2014)

Unfortunately, in The Pure Gold of Snow, the instructions for one of the crocheted snowflakes has an error – 3dc were omitted in the paper copy only (the digital edition has the correct text). Sincere apologies to Sandra Paul and our readers.

For Stellar, Round 5 should read:

*Sl st into the next ch sp, (3ch, sl st, 4ch, sl st, 3ch, sl st) all into the same sp, 3dc into the next sp, sl st into the dc, 3dc into the next sp,* rep from * to * five times, sl st into the sl st at the beg of the round. Fasten off.

ALSO FROM ISSUE 15.12 (December 2014)
There has unfortunately been an error in the instructions for Tot Tote gets a Tick.

  • Step 6 should read, “From the stripe print fabric, cut: Two rectangles 10 x 16in for the bag front and back” – not two rectangles 14 x 19½in as published in the magazine.
  • Step 17 should read, “Trim the stitchery/hexagon panel to 8¼in high x 8in wide” – not 8¼in square as published in the magazine.

Our apologies for any inconvenience.

Issue 15.11 (November 2014)
The quilting design for the Happiness Quilt block of the month, as printed on the pattern sheet, is the incorrect size. the design needs to be 18in long. The digital pattern (in the “pattern” section of the website) has been corrected and is available to download. You can also manually change it yourself by removing 1/2in from each of the curved sections of the design. Our most sincere apologies for any problems this may have caused.

Issue 15.10 (October 2014)
The discount code on the Amish Quilts: Crafting an American Icon book, on page 118 of the October issue, has been printed wrong. For the special discounted price of US$24.47 on this book when bought direct from John Hopkins University Press at you will need to enter the promo code of “ NAF ” (rather than “ NAB ” as was printed). Our most sincere apologies for this error.

Issue 15.6 (June 2014)
It has been brought to our attention that on the pattern sheet for the Happiness Quilt Part 5, it says you need to trace 2 of the small leaves. You will need to trace 12. Our apologies for any inconvenience.

Issue 15.5 (May 2014)
The project “Blossom Buddies” published in our May 2014 issue, was unfortunately published with the incorrect credits. The project was created by Australian designer Gail Bett. Not at any point was there any intention on the part of Homespun or Picture Media (who supplied the picture to us) to misrepresent the original creator of these designs. It was an unfortunate error within the processing procedure. We wholeheartedly apologise to Gail Bett for misrepresenting the project and crediting it to someone other than her.

Issue 15.2-15.3 (February – March 2014)

Unfortunately the location and phone number of the store Quiltaholics in the Homespun/Monica Poole Block of the Month fabric supplier listing is wrong. The correct details are: 25 Mt Barker Road, Totness, South Australia 5250, Phone: (08) 8391 4623, Website: The correct details will be in our April issue and onwards.
Our most sincere apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Also, the location and phone number of the store Esme’s Patchwork in the Homespun/Monica Poole Block of the Month fabric supplier listing is wrong. The correct details are: Esmes Patchwork Shop 1/ 216 Charles Street, Launceston, Tas 7250, Phone: (03) 6334 9775, Website: The correct details will be in our March issue and onwards.
Our most sincere apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Issue 14.12 December 2013

It’s Time for Christmas

Some of the cutting instructions for the ‘filler blocks’ were incorrect.

The correct number of patches to cut are:

D = 8

C = 22

E = 4

The Quilt Assembly Diagram is correct, so refer to it as you cut.

We apologise for our error.

Issue 14.10 October 2013

The More it Snows

Unfortunately, a fraction was accidentally deleted from the cutting instructions. Step 9 on page 49 should say:

From the assorted blue and turquoise fabrics, cut:

  • 64 squares, 3 3/8in (not 3in).

Our most sincere apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused.


Periwinkle Patchwork
Shop 2, Bayside City Plaza, 24-36 Fairy Street, Warrnambool, Vic 3280. Ph: 5560 5522, email:, website:, blog:

Opening hours are Tuesday – Saturday 10am – 5pm

Our sincere apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Issue 14.2

Unfortunately the wrong business details for Periwinkle Patchwork were listed in the Stockists & Contacts list. The correct details are:

Issue 14.1 A Patriotic Picnic

Two errors were published in our instructions, for which we apologise. Steps 5, 12 and 14 are affected.

Step 5: Cut the strip 3in across the width of the blue fabric, not 4in.

Step 12. Continue in this manner, working across the length of the foundation piecing guide, adding patches in numerical order. Repeat to make four quadrants in the same manner, USING TWO OF THE 3 X 14IN BLUE STRIPS FOR POSITION 8 ON TWO QUADRANTS.

Step 14. Referring to the photograph as a guide, sew two quadrants right sides together; check that the strips are facing the right direction. Repeat for the remaining two quadrants. TRIM THE REMAINING 3 X 14IN STRIP OF BLUE FABRIC TO 2½ X 14IN. SEW IT BETWEEN THE LEFT AND RIGHT HALVES OF THE UNION JACK BLOCK AS YOU JOIN THE QUADRANTS TOGETHER.


2013 Quilters Diary Index

The index for the 2013 Quilters Diary featuring projects from Homespun and Quilters Companion magazines, can be found here. Our sincere apologies for any confusion this may have caused.

Issue 13.12 – A Trip To Remember Overnight Bag
In the materials list, it is stated that you need 1.25m of the green with yellow floral print fabric and 70cm of the blue and green teardrop fabric (for  the exterior pockets, base, front closure flap and straps). There has been a mix up with these measurements. The fabrics should be switched – 70cm is needed of the green and yellow fabric, and 1.25m is needed of the blue and green fabric. Apologies for any problems this may have caused.

Issue 13.10 My ‘Tree House’ Adventures

There is a digit missing on the far right-hand section of diagram 4. The height of the pencil-pine foliage should be 39 3/8in, not 9 3/8in as was indicated.
We apologise for any inconvenience this omission may have caused.


Issue 13.10

Please note that the Australian distributor for fabric by Riley Blake Designs is Patchwork with Busyfingers, not Leutenegger as listed in Homespun Vol 13 No 10. Please contact Patchwork with Busyfingers for details on your nearest stockist of the fabulous array of fabric available.

Patchwork with Busyfingers
PO Box 433
Eumundi Qld 4562
Ph: (07) 5449 1936
Fax: (07) 5449 1939

Issue 13.9 Born To Shop purses by Bronwyn Hayes

Unfortunately for the Born To Shop purses designed by Bronwyn Hayes of Red Brolly, have the wrong colour DMC thread listed for the face, nose, neck and shoulders of all women. The thread used should be DMC Embroidery Floss 3779, Ultra Very Light Terracotta. Sincere apologies for any problems this may have caused.

Issue 13.9

Unfortunately the Bacchus Marsh Friendship Quilters’ Biennial Quilt Show scheduled for September 29-30 has been cancelled.
Some of the quilts will be displayed at other events scheduled for that weekend, the Bacchus Marsh Embroiderers Exhibition at The Laurels, 229 Main Street, Bacchus Marsh Vic, and the ‘Childhood Days’ Exhibition  at the Blacksmith’s Cottage, 100 Main Street, Bacchus Marsh Vic.

Issue 13.6

Unfortunately an error has slipped through in the cutting guide of the Flower Power dress. The cutting guide for the skirt trim should have been:

5 x 60cm (2 x 23 5/8in) (size 1)
5 x 65cm (2 x 25 5/8in) (size 2)
5 x 68cm (2 x 26 3/4in) (size 3)
5 x 72cm (2 x 28 3/4in) (size 4)
5 x 77cm (2 x 30 3/8in) (size 5)
5 x 80cm (2 x 31 1/2in) (size 6)

Our apologies for this error.


Issue 13.5 Catch Of The Day

* Step 9 should have read: Row 23: K6 (2, 2, 7, 4, 4) *P2, C3B, P2, K6* rep to last 0 (2, 2, 7, 4, 4) sts, P0 (2, 2, 7, 4, 4).

* Step 11 should begin: Rows 25–32:


We also must apologise for some minor errors on the pattern sheets included in the printed issues of Homespun Vol 13 No 6. (The patterns for the digital version of the magazine, available from, were not affected and are accurate.) Please note the following:

A Trip To Remember – Craft Tote

There are two patterns marked as the Lid Side Panel. The label on the larger of the two patterns (printed on top of the Grand Adventure ‘Shorts Back’ pattern) should have been labelled ‘Lid centre panel’ and the markings at the top and bottom of this pattern should say Handle placement.
A new template can be found here.

Sitting Pretty

The labels for the stitchery patterns have been marked incorrectly. This won’t impact your finished project but the patterns for the labels will not match the photographs in the magazine.
You can find the four correct templates here: Template 1, Template 2, Template 3 and Template 4.

Please accept our apologies for the dismay and wasted time these errors may have caused you. Even if you haven’t begun one of these projects, mark your copy of the magazines with the corrections just in case you tackle them at a later date.

Issue 13.4 What A Hoot

* Each of the end panels for the sewing-machine cover is made from five C strips, not four. That means that in step 5, you need to choose 10 strips (not eight). Trim them to 2 1/2 x 13in. Then, in step 13, sew them together in two groups of five (not four).

Issue 13.2
On page 108, we did not complete the email address for Simon & Schuster. For enquires, email

Our apologies for this error.

Issue 12.7
On the Contents page, we incorrectly attributed the Santa Paws project to Meredith Harmer instead of Meredith Brooks.
Our sincere apologies go to both designers for this unfortunate error.

An incorrect fabric amount was listed for the I Believe project. You need 20cm (1/4yd) turquoise geometric print fabric (romper suit and hat), not 10cm (1/8yd) as listed.
Our sincere apologies for this error.

Unfortunately, the circular pattern for the base of the Cellarbration wine bags was omitted from the pattern sheet. We sincerely apologise for this error. You can download the pattern here.

Issue 12.6
Unfortunately the hexagon and half-hexagon templates for the Forever Blue pincushion project were left off the pattern sheet. To download them, click here and make sure to set page scaling to “none” to ensure they print at the correct size. The side edges should measure 2in.

Our sincere apologies for this omission.

Issue 12.5
Unfortunately an error has slipped through in the instructions for Mini Miss Milly. The instructions for the arms and legs should read:

18. Using MC, cast on 7 st/s. St st 4 rows.
19. K2tog, K3, K2tog — 5 st/s.
20. P2tog, P1, P2tog — 3 st/s.
21. Knit.
22. Inc, P1, inc — 5 st/s.
23. Inc, K3, inc — 7 st/s.
24. St st 4 rows.
25. Cast off.

We extend our sincere apologies to our readers for this error.

Issue 12.5 and 12.6
Unfortunately an incorrect website has been listed on the Designer Diva competition entry form. Please note that the Husqvarna Viking website is

Our sincere apologies for this error.

Issue 11.12  Ocean Spray quilt

Unfortunately, there were a couple of errors in Keryn Emerson’s project so please use the following amended cutting sizes:

In Step 2, the 42 blue B squares for the small Square in a Square blocks should be cut 2½in square, not 2¾in.

The white E triangles for the large Square in a Square blocks were a smidgen too small so change the first point in Step 3 to:

Five strips, 3 5/8in (not 3 3/8in) across the width of the fabric. Crosscut the strips to yield 60 squares, 3 5/8in. Cut each square once on the diagonal to yield 120 half-square triangles, (E) (large Square in a Square blocks). (If you’ve already cut the squares to 3 3/8in, the problem can be overcome by sewing narrower-than-1/4in seams when joining the blue F squares in Step 21.)

Issue 11.11
Unfortunately we have become aware that an error has slipped through on the instructions for Summer Garden. Please note that step 4 should read:

4. From the multicoloured zigzag print fabric, cut:
Two strips, 3 x 21in (Border 2).

Our sincere apologies that this error appeared in print.

Issue 11.8

A Budding Romance cushion project has a misleading diagram and step. Step 10 should say:

10. Lay out six prairie points down the left and right edges of the cushion top, raw edges matching. Each one should nest inside the one before it. Baste them in place with a 1/8in seam allowance as shown in diagram 2. (There should be no 1/4in space at the ends.) The revised diagram is here:



Life is a Celebration – Pets block
We have had some enquiries in relation to the scallop template required for this block. It is the same scallop template that appeared with the Life Is A Celebration – Family block on Homespun’s 11.3 pattern sheet. If you are missing this issue and require the scallop template to complete your Pets block in 11.8, you can download the template here.

Issue 11.7 All Spruced Up quilt
In the Quilt Assembly Diagram on page 24 three pieced squares have been omitted from the top edge of Block 5. Please see revised diagram here.

Issue 11.5 Grape Sorbet Smock
Unfortunately we have become aware that an error slipped through on the instructions for the Grape Sorbet Smock. Please note that the first sentence in step 1 should read:

1. Using 4.00mm (UK No 8; US No 6) needles and CC, cast on 100 (108, 124, 140, 148, 156, 164) st/s.

The Homespun team extends our sincere apologies not only to our readers but also to Leonie Ball of Wool Baa, the designer of this gorgeous garment, for this error.

Issue 11.5
Unfortunately an error slipped through for the phone number to contact Sarah Pumphrey and Elizabeth Gibson of The Farm Studio. If you wish to ring the ladies, please phone +64 3 540 3889. Our sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Issue 11.4
Unfortunately we have become aware that an error has slipped through on the instructions for Life Is A Celebration – Nature. Please note that step 1 should read:
1. From the white tone-on-tone spot print fabric, cut:
One rectangle, 13½ x 17½in. Our sincere apologies that this error appeared in print.

Issue 11.2
The phone no for Kathryn O’Beirne of Our Shabby Cottage is incorrect. You can contact her on (03) 5309 2512. Our sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Issue 11.1 Life Is a Celebration Materials List
Unfortunately we have become aware of some confusion regarding the list of materials for the Life Is A Celebration BOM. To clarify – the amount of each fabric listed in our Materials list in Homespun Vol 11 No 1 is sufficient for the block backgrounds and borders, the sashings between the blocks as the quilt top is assembled and all the borders. There is also some surplus of fabrics that could be used for many of the applique shapes – but when drafting the instructions and developing the Materials list, we did not map the size of each and every applique shape and allow sufficient fabric for all of them. That’s why the Materials list includes “Assorted scraps from your stash to tone with the French Hatbox fabrics (applique)”. The fact that a designer used a French Hatbox fabric for an applique shape doesn’t mean that readers are expected to use it, so we have not for catered for this in the material list.

Issue 11.1 Village Square Quilt
Variable Star/ Churn Dash complex block – corrections to cutting instructions (steps 54 and 56).
Step 54: The four GG squares should be 2 1/2in, not 2 1/8in as published.
Step 56: The MM rectangles should be cut 1 1/4in x 8 1/2in, not 1 3/4in x 8 1/2in as published.

Issue 10.6 and 10.10
Unfortunately we have become aware that the colour key used for the Coffee Break project in Homespun 10.6 and the Second Helping project in Homespun 10.10 is incorrect. If you are working on this project, you can obtain a copy of the correct colour key here. Our sincere apologies.

Breast Of Friends Final Assembly – Issue 10.9
Under Block 3, step 9 should read:
Cut four squares, 3in.
Under Block 4, the cutting instructions for steps 12 to 15 are incorrect. Please cut your frame strips, 1¾in wide, not 2in wide as shown in the magazine. Your block needs to measure 12½in square from raw edge to raw edge after the framing strips have been added.

Breast Of Friends Block 8 – Issue 10.5
Under Assembly, Step 14 should read;
14. Join the assorted rectangular scraps cut in step 3 together end to end (and trim them as necessary) to make four strips 14½in long.
Under Assembly, Step 16 should read;
16. Sew the 2in pink print squares to each end of the remaining 14½in strips. Sew these strips to the top and bottm edges of the appliquéd block, matching seams. Press seams outwards. Your block should measure 17½in  square from raw edge to raw edge.

Breast Of Friends
We have received a lot of requests for a diagram showing the placement of blocks in the finished Breast of Friends Mystery Block of the Month quilt. You can download it here.

Breast of Friends Block 5 – Issue 10.3
We have accidentally left the ‘Shoe Sale’ design for Anni Downs’ Breast of Friends block off the pattern sheet for Homespun Vol 10 No 3. You can obtain a copy of the design here.

Issue 10.2
Unfortunately, a piece was left off the pattern sheet for Lyria’s Day Out and we apologise for the inconvenience. The missing piece is the collar for the day bag and you can download it by clicking on the link

The Wish Quilt — Homespun Vol 9 Nos 7, 8, 9
We have become aware of several errors printed in the instructions for this project. Full details will be published in Homespun Vol 9 No 12. However, if you are working on this project, you can obtain a copy of the corrections here.

Issue 9.1
Crossword Solution
Click here for the solution to the crossword published in Homespun Vol 9 NO 1 compiled by Sarah Martin.

Issue 8.11
A Woman’s Glam Bag
A technical hiccup has meant that the stitchery and appliqué designs for A Woman’s Glam Bag published in Homespun Vol 8 No 11 were printed on the pattern sheet larger than they should have been (including the appliquéd heart). To overcome this error, copy the designs on a photocopier set at 85%.  For those of you who have completed your stitchery and/or appliqué at the larger size, we have created an alternate set of instructions here so that you are still able to make the bag.

Issue 8.9
Wisteria Girls
Apologies to those of you who created the Wisteria Girls quilt from Homespun Vol 8 No 9. Please note that the last sentence in step 27 should read “Repeat with a total of five of the dark green squares”, not all of the remaining dark green squares.

Issue 8.8
The Silly Season Begins Part Two
To all of you who are looking for the two small templates from Block 2 of The Silly Season Begins – Part Two, yes, they were accidentally left off the pattern sheet so please accept our apologies! These were the star in the righthand corner and the bird shape atop the tree. Please print them out (making sure your printer setting is set to “no scaling” or the equivalent)
here and
here. Also in the instructions for Part Two of The Silly Season Begins quilt, step 16 says to cut the chook strip in four rectangles each 6in long. This should actually be 6 1/2 in long.

Issue 8.3
Unfortunately, sometimes an error can slip through and, alas, we missed printing the templates required for the Pomegranate Panache quilt created by Michelle Marvig in Homespun Vol 8 No 3. Although readers can still create the quilt by purchasing the specialty rulers from Michelle, readers were given the option of making their own templates in our instructions. We apologise that the templates were missed when checking our pattern sheets. The templates can be found

Stitchery Classics 1
Ann Dimmer’s contact details have changed. Her new details are:
Ann Dimmer
PO Box 53
Linton Vic 3360
Mobile: 0418 542 038
Michelle De Brincat’s contact details have changed. Her new details are :
Michelle De Brincat
Just for Little Hearts
48 Anzac Street
Sarina Qld 4737
Ph: (07) 4956 1067

Apologies to Sylvia Bring; on page 135 we published her names as Sylvia Hughes. Along with a team of local townfolk Sylvia was the instigator and main craftsperson of the Grenfell History Quilter Curtain.

Issue 7.6
On pages 24-25, “The First Day of Christmas Quilt” is styled with a gorgeous white timber and wire pear tree. This decoration is available from Cinnamon Country and not The Christmas Shop, as stated in the magazine. To contact Cinnamon Country, phone (03) 9885 3398 or visit

Issue 7.9
Pg 15: The RRP for Hatched & Patched’s new book, A Family Gathering, is actually $32.95 not $29.95 as advertised. Our sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Issue 7.5
Leafy Sea Dragon by Annie London’s Designer Stitches
The price should read $48 for the kit, not $43 as advertised.

Issue 7.3
Orphan Block Sampler Quilt, Part 2
Step 30. Should read: from a brick print fabric, cut:
One 1 3/4 x 3 3/4in rectangle (not the 4 1/2in shown)
One 2 1/4 x 1 1/2in rectangle (not the 2 3/4in shown)
One 3 3/4 x 4 1/2in rectangle


Issue 7.1
A Bouquet of Blooms Overnight Bag by Kindred Spirits
The material requirements for the green wool should read 25 x 54cm (10 x 21in) green wool (binding and handle tabs).
Step 6 should read: From the green wool fabric, cut two 2 1/2 x 21in strips (binding) and one 3 x 10in strip (handle tabs).

Thank you to Clare Tilyard of Warana in Qld for advising us of these errors and we apologise to our readers who have made this project and struggled to get things to fit.

Miss Molly’s Quilting Tote Bag by Carol Lewis

Step 4: the green floral print fabric strips should be cut 1in wide, not 1 1/2in as listed
Step12: the mauve spot fabric for the ruler pocket lining should be cut 7 1/2 x 25 1/2in, not 7 1/2 x 25in as listed
Step 14: the dusky pink floral print fabric for the rotary cutter pocket lining should be cut 5 x 8in, not 5 x 7in as listed
Step 16: the fusible batting for the ruler pocket should be cut 7 1/2 x 25 1/2in, not 7 1/2 x 25in as listed; and for the rotary cutter pocket, 5 x 8in, not 5 x 7in as listed

Issue 6.5
Christmas Is Coming Part II by June Gilchrist
Under Block 10 instructions, point 38 should read:
38. From a red/brown check fabric, cut: * Four 2in squares.

Issue 3.2
Warren D. Rabbit
The templates were missing from this project on the pattern sheet in Homespun Vol 3.2. The entire project, including the templates, was reprinted in Homespun’s Cloth Dolls and Bears magazine, Issue #2. If you wish to purchase Cloth Dolls & Bears Issue #2, contact our subscriptions department on 1300 303 414. Alternatively, email with your postal address and a copy of the templates only will be posted out to you.

Bows and Bouquets quilt by Pam Holland
Under the Cutting instructions, point 4 should read:
4. From the rose print stripe fabric, cut: * Four 5in strips down the length of the fabric (border two).

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